siginificance of gemstones i n life

Significance of Gemstones in Life

Significance of Gemstones in Life

Human beings may face many difficulties and hurdles in life that may be caused by the ill placement of a planet or planets in their birth chart. Human’s get influenced in their attitude, behavior, and environment as they receive vital rays and slight cosmic radiation from planets which impact on ever-changing psychological dispositions. In such times the Gemstones when they are worn come into direct contact with the skin and acts as an electromagnetic influence over human body cells.

These Gemstones are also known as lucky stones or birth stones.  According to Karma Purana there are many stories about the origin of gems with their significance that defines as the gemstones were created from the seven different kinds of rays of light, radiating from the seven foremost planets of the solar system that are transmitted into seven colours of the rainbow which are responsible for all the celestial existences in cosmos, including the human body.

The most important significance of Gemstones is that they stimulate positive and powerful radiation in the body since they are made of  minerals. But precious stones like pearls and amber are made from living organisms. Most of the people those who believe on significance of gemstones consider as very powerful and precious stones that can be used relieve any kind of evil in their life.

Gemstones also have the healing, medicinal or spiritual power which helps in keeping people healthy and happy. Even scientific research has also proved that gemstones heal people suffering from dangerous and incurable illnesses, by revitalizing them as these gemstones are made of different chemical elements that are born out of variant happenings in earth and complex chemical reaction. Thus gemstones carry higher chemical combinations possessing different physical properties that radiates radiate different energies of different frequencies resulting as in changes in human life.

Gemstones are very pretty stones that can be polished and worn to shield from negative energy. It is believed that the more precious the stone is the more powerful effect it has on the body. But Gemstones vary in generating power as they are of different colors with different power as they provoke energy into the body.

Every gemstone has the power to draw energy from its respective planet and channelise it into the wearer’s body. This property of a gemstone is helpful in exerting its influence in miraculous ways.

There are different types of gemstones having their own significance:

Blue sapphire is the fastest working gemstone must be worn only when it is directed by the astrologer. Blue Sapphire gemstone in the most powerful stone among all other gemstones. This gemstone brings mental peace, clarity of thoughts, relieves from depression and anxiety, and also gives financial rewards. But if it proves malefic, the life is left with destructions like quarrels, financial crises and accidents.

Cat eye gemstone warns about danger and troubles ahead and prevents diseases induced by the mars and the ill effects of ketu. This gemstone protects the wearer from sudden dangers and hidden enemies and provides the wearer the pleasure, strength, prosperity and financial situation becomes better.

Yellow sapphire gemstone is the safest stone that gives fame, health and success along with financial benefits. This gemstone never harms the wearer.

Pearl gemstones helps in strengthening the state of mind, provides good sleep and also removes negative effects of moon, cures several diseases and also improves the memory power. Pearl gemstone signifies for purity and innocence.

Red coral gemstones are very much significant in curing health related problems. These gemstones helps in the growth of mental and physical state, strengthens social status, helps in curing blood infection and bronchitis, fatigue, obstruction in physical growth, muscles cramps and other diseases.

Diamonds are the most precious stones that brings luxurious life into the wearer of this gemstone. This stone helps in boosting the reputation of a person according to the old beliefs. Diamond gemstone also helps in curing several diseases and provokes good deeds and spiritual thoughts.

Ruby gemstone makes the wearer to overcome from financial crises, and provides prosperity in the name and fame. Ruby also has the power of curing several problems like diabetes, BP problems, and heart or brain issues.

Emerald gemstone develops intelligent power and helps in imparting good health, brings wealth and prosperity to the wearer. Emerald stones has the power of protecting the wearer from the snake bites and other evil influences.

Hessonite gemstone helps in neutralizing the ill effects of the Rahu and helps in removing fear and promotes spiritual growth and also creates the clarity of mind. It also helps in providing relief from several medical problems.

Onyx is useful for marital felicity.

Opal gemstone signifies for hope, innocence, purity, ill-omen.

Gemstones are studded in necklaces, pendant and are also used in other form of jewelry might provides ineffective benefits according to the astrological benefits. To receive proper benefits from a particular gemstones, one needs to follow the astrological procedure prescribed for wearing that gemstone and then only wear it.