General Knowledge Information on Hinduism

General Knowledge Information on Hinduism

The word “God” appears in every book except Esther and Song of Solomon.

Hinduism is  the dominant religion of India, Hinduism has a broad variety of forms, ranging from simple folk practices to abstruse metaphysical systems.

Hindus regard the sacred texts known as the Vedas (composed around 1500 B.C.) as central to their tradition.

Shaivism One of the three primary traditions of Hinduism, Shaivism focuses on the god Shiva, the lord of transformative power in the universe.

Shaktism focuses on worship of Shakti, the Divine Mother embodying the power of universal manifestation, sometimes known under her names Devi or Kali.

Vaishnavism focuses on Vishnu, the Supreme Lord, and his incarnations Krishna and Rama. Vaishnavism is divided into various sampradayas (sects), each of which has been founded by a particular acharaya (guru).

The Vedas Meaning “knowledge” in Sanskrit, the Vedas is the oldest and most authoritative texts of Hinduism. Composed around 1500 B.C.E., they are among the world’s oldest surviving.

Vedas consist of four parts. The Rig Veda contains verses of praise to the gods; the Yajur Veda discusses the requirements of ritual offerings; the Sama Veda, verses and chants for ritual offerings, and Atharva Veda, magical verses.

The Upanishads Among the principal texts of the Hindu tradition, the Upanishads are metaphysical treatises that are concerned with the origin and destiny of humanity and the universe.